Following with the series in this crash course from Python to Scala, today I’ll introduce one of the most useful Scala’s data structures and make the comparison to Python.
Scala Lists
Starting off with one of the most used data structures in Scala (and in functional languages in general) and also the most common data structure in Python as well: the lists.
A list in Scala is a data structure to represent a collection of values of the same type. Lists are very used in Python, and the concept is quite similar in Scala, with a couple of exceptions. First, in Python are written as a list of comma-separated values between square brackets. The empty list, is represented as a pair of empty square brackets:
In Scala, a list is build with the use of a constructor of name List and the values passed by parameter to the constructor. The empty list is represented by the empty constructor:
One major difference between Python and Scala lists, is in the type. Python support lists of different types, however in general (and is a good practice to stick to it) lists in Python only contain elements of the same type. In Scala this is not optional, lists may only contain elements of the same type in them.
If you take a good look at the previous examples, you’ll notice that Scala uses its type infer engine to determine the type of the lists. In the case of the “squares” list, it’s inferred that is a list of Int, while in the case of the “empty” list, it is inferred that is a list of Nothing since there’s no information to determine the type of the list (it has no value).
Of course, as Scala lets you declare the type of a value or a variable, it’s possible to force the empty list to be of a certain type. This is very useful in the needing of making some kind of manipulation between lists and operations that requires the same type of list.
Scala lists have a another constructor operator, named cons and represented by two colons ::. Along with another constructor for the empty list: Nil. If you’ve never heard about functional programming, this concept is maybe new to you. For people with Lisp or Haskell background it comes quite natural. In simple terms, a list in Scala can be constructed like so:
Although this format may seem unnatural for a Python programmer (and most unnatural for someone who only knows imperative paradigm), this notation is quite common and is very useful, as a matter of fact is essential, in pattern matching, something we’ll talk about later and that you must know if you plan to use Scala at its full potential.
Operations over Lists
The three most common operations over a list are: isEmpty, head and tail. The isEmpty operation, as its name says, check wether a list is empty or not. The head operation over a list will return the first element of the list, much like Python’s pop(0), but with the difference that it won’t alter the original list. Finally, the tail operation has no direct map to a Python’s list function (as far as I know of) and will return a new list with all the elements of the original list but the first:
As lists in Python, lists in Scala also have an indexing function, and as well as in Python, indexing starts from 0. The difference is that negative indexing is not possible in Scala:
Another common operation over a list is the slice. In Python this is done with a colon in the indexing. In Scala you’ll have to make use of the function slice(from, until). Although you can use negative values, this won’t work as in Python:
There is a whole set of other methods and operations you can perform on a list, and we won’t discuss it here, check on the Scala Documentation for more information on immutable lists.
This is all wonderful, but the structure that I’ve shown you is not exactly the list structure a Python programmer is used to. Scala’s primitive lists are immutable, which means you are not allowed to change the values they hold once they are set. Nonetheless, there is another Scala structure that’s more similar to Python lists. We will discuss it in the next part of the tutorial.
Thank you again for reading this tutorial. I hope it’s becoming more helpful with each new post. Please comment if you have anything to add!